Are things not working for you personally?
Are you searching for answers or feeling stuck?
Are you feeling stressed and anxious about life?
Do you need the tools to get you to a better place?
What is Counselling?
Counselling is an opportunity for a person to look at issues, problems and or challenges through talking with a fully trained, qualified and accredited counsellor.
These sessions offer a safe, secure, confidential, non-judgemental, non-discriminatory place for you to speak openly, knowing that the counsellor is there to listen to you.
The aim of counselling is to empower you the client to be confident in making your own decisions and choices. Those that will lead you to see things more clearly and encourage you to make positive change.
All our counsellors are members of the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) and are bound by their rules, regulations and codes of ethics for good practice in counselling.
The Counsellor and Client Relationship:
As we offer person centered counselling sessions the relationship between the counsellor and client is paramount to the therapeutic process. It is therefore critical that the client trust their counsellor.
In that regard all clients are made aware by their counsellor that all sessions and the records of these sessions are kept strictly private and confidential.
All counsellors have a duty of care to their clients as stated in the ACA code of Ethics and Practice a full copy of which is available to the client on request.
All reasonable steps will be taken by the counsellor during sessions to ensure the physical, emotional and psychological safety of the client during the session.
Please be aware that the counsellor will, with the consent of the client enter a contract of agreement of the terms on which counselling is offered. This is to be signed by both parties prior to sessions commencing.
The agreement will include a section on mandatory reporting and boundaries of the counselling relationship.
Counsellors do not give advice legal or otherwise. They will not judge or criticize.
They will work in a way that affirms the client’s common humanity and uniqueness. This includes cultural context and worldview of the client.
What is Mandatory Reporting?
Mandatory reporting is a legal requirement by all counsellors, workers and health care professionals and their places of employment.
It means that exceptional circumstances may arise which gives the counsellor good grounds for believing that serious harm may occur to the client or to other people. In such cases after notifying the client of their intent and why the counsellor is then obligated to pass the information on to the relevant persons.
How many session will I need and how long do they last?
Sessions are typically 50 minutes to I hour.
Everyone processes at different rates and in different ways. For some this will mean one session for others it will mean more. It will depend on how quickly your issues are resolved and your goals from counselling are reached.
How much do sessions cost?
A typical one hour counselling session will be an investment of $130.....95 minutes: $195
Extenuating circumstances are always considered.
We have over 30 years clinical and over 50 years of personal and spiritual training.
Let us help you be the best you can be. Take advantage of our 1 on 1 guidance by booking in your first 30 minute free session with our fully qualified (government recognised) Counsellor Paul Hoogendyk. Just fill in the form below and we will contact you.
All our sessions are able to be done over SKYPE or Zoom as well.
For any further information on what we have to offer it is best to speak personally with our fully qualified Counsellor.
CALL NOW ON 02 66252553